Mouse to Minx

When Mouse to Minx were working on a relaunch for their online shop, they wanted to find a way to bring the personality in their brand through the screen to reach the visitors to their site. They came to me to build an interactive storybook that'd be embedded on the homepage of the new site and that would allow users to get inside the storytelling that drives the brand.

I built a separate application for them using Rails and ActiveAdmin, to let them build and customise storybooks and upload the artwork for use within them. I then built the interactive storybook itself, using turn.js, and made it so it could be embedded anywhere, as well as providing a preview page for use within the admin. The last piece of the puzzle was being able to configure links within the storybook, so that you can click out from the storybook to different places that relate to the story and the store.

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Ruby on RailsActiveAdminFrontendAPI

  • Mouse to minx1
  • Mouse to minx2
  • Mouse to minx3